Rising excitement, raising excitement
Meike Nittel
Worldwide there are amazing actions going on that show rising consciousness.
The book "Conscious Capitalism" gives examples and shows four tenets, that are a fruitful base for foreward-looking, integral thinking business people: Higher Purpose, Stakeholder-Integration, Conscious Leadership, Conscious Culture and Management.
It inspired so many people, that they founded local groups, starting in many US-cities, soon leaping over to Australia, to Southern America, to Europe, Israel... The first CC Chapter for the German speaking countries is about to hatch.
The excitement rises:
who wants to join, be a co-founder of that D-A-CH-Chapter and thus creating the web-knot to connect with conscious business worldwide.
Let's be part of "Liberating The Heroic Spirit of Business" - so the subtitle of the book "Conscious Capitalism" by John Mackey and Raj Sisodia from 2013, published by HBR.
And I am totally excited about learning more about humane, cooperative, open initiatives like that: please add web links below.